Missionaries to Thailand. Along with Troy managing short-term teams, our family is called to share the love of Christ to the tribal people of northern Thailand through compassion ministries and church planting.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
20 weeks pregnant
It is hard to believe that Cheryl is almost 20 weeks along. It is so much fun to see pictures of what the baby looks like, especially now that Cheryl is starting to feel movement! We are having so much fun anticipating this new little one!
Cheryl still has dizzy spells, sometimes severe, but not nearly as often. She hasn't had much for Morning sickness in a couple of weeks (other than nausea that comes with the more severe dizzy spells)- Praise God - which is a first for her. She was sick the entire pregnancy with both Nathaniel and Naomi.
Next week we are going in for our first ultrasound. We still haven't decided if we are going to find out what gender the baby is. It is a tough decision, because we so enjoyed the surprise with both Nathaniel and Naomi, but know it will be so much easier to plan for in case we end up having the baby in Thailand. We'll let you know what we decide.
Thank you so much for your love, support, encouraging words and prayers. We feel so incredibly blessed!
Much Love,
The Scott Family
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Baby 16 weeks old
Picture of a Baby at 16 weeks old.
Today was our 16 week appointment. We were able to hear the heartbeat (140 ) which was very strong. All of us were thrilled to hear it again. Our next appointment is scheduled for 4 weeks (November 13). At that time we will have our first ultrasound. Cheryl is doing well although she is still battling dizziness on a daily basis and has been for the last 2 weeks. The doctor said that this is normal and that there is a possibility that she will have to deal with this throughout the whole pregnancy. We appreciate your continuted prayers, they are so appreciated. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Thailand-Coup Update
"Friends and Family,
I just want to share a little about what it really looks like here. There has 18 coups since WW2 and Pastor Mark has seen several in his twelve years here. The current Prime Minister Thaksin (Thaak-sin) is not well liked in Bangkok and Southern Thailand. People from the North are partial to Thaksin because he is from Chiang Mai and has done a lot to develop Chiang Mai. The Former P.M. has a very close relationship to the General Marshal of Thailand, neither of which favors Thaksin.
The tanks, the news, the hype. Schools, banks, and the stock market were closed for one day. The tanks were mostly just a sign of the Marshal flexing power. Nobody wants violence or riots. The past has shown violent demonstrations with a few deaths, but I do not see anything like that this time. It’s not like the demonstrations in Minnesota when the University wins a hockey game, ha-ha.
Chances are, Thaksin will get the “boot” and we will have an election in
November. Thank God for the peace we have here."
Thanks Jeff for that information - I know it will bring peace to many peoples hearts about the situation!
Public Announcement - Thailand Coup
price of goods of any kind. The CDRM announced it will appoint a civilian government within two weeks as the first step to returning the country to democratic government.
The military deployed troops around key government facilities and other strategic locations, but there is little visible military presence elsewhere. There have been no indications or reports of any violence at this time.
Road traffic throughout the country continues to flow normally, although at reduced volumes. Public transportation is in service and all airports and most border crossings appear to be operating as normal. There have been reports of difficulty crossing the border with Burma at Mae Sot and Ranong.
For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department's Internet web site at http://travel.state.gov where the current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, Travel Warnings, and Public Announcements can be found. Up to date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the United States and Canada.
We will keep you posted of any updates!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Team Possible is Changing
Mommy is doing well, but struggling with "Morning" - Or should I say All Day "sickness". Tuesday was her first Doctor appointment - and was blessed to hear the heartbeat for the first time!
Team Possible's plans for Thailand haven't changed any. Our prayer is to be in Thailand by the first of the year so that we can have the baby in Thailand. Otherwise we won't be able to go to Thailand until AFTER the baby is born (around May or June). It is VERY important that we get there well before then. So will you join us in this prayer!
We will keep you informed of any Baby updates!
The Scott Family
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Greetings from the Scott Family!! The picture that you are looking at is the newest sketch of the TLC project to be developed next to Chiangmai University. This is the much anticipated Church/Bible School that we have been preparing for. They are in the final stages of putting this project together and have almost all of the funds in place to begin this project. All they need now - is US!!!!
We are currently in Springfield receiving our much anticipated field training. We are having a wonderful and fruitful time here. We are so excited at what God is doing in our lives and in missions in general. We are thrilled to be going to Thailand and can hardly wait to GO! There is such an enormous need for builders on the Field - and an even larger need for people to hear about Christs love, The Father's Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit's Power. Will you join with us in our prayer that God will do the Miraculous and put our funds in place for us to leave for Thailand by August 1, 2006. With God and your help - Anything is possible.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Team Possible
We have been officially APPROVED as Specialized Services Missionaries with AGWM.
What does this mean?
This means that we are considered full-time missionaries instead of short-term.
What is the difference in this New program?
- As Specialized Services Missionaries we will be in Thailand for 3 years for our first term instead of 2.
- We will be allowed to call any Pastor in any church with the Assemblies of God.
- We will receive additional training which will greatly benefit us on the field.
Will this get you to Thailand quicker?
We believe it will. As Missionary Associates we were only allowed to speak in churches where we personally knew the pastor, or had a friend that was willing to speak to a pastor on our behalf. It would be weeks and sometimes months to hear from a referral with this method. Now we will be able to contact all pastors directly without having to wait for the Pastors response to our friends.
How can we help?
You can help in many ways.
- You can pray for us. Prayer is the best source of help. God is our biggest advocate.
- You can talk to any Pastor you have or had a relationship with to see if they would be willing to consider adding us to their monthly support. We can contact pastors directly after the initial contact - it just helps to have someone who knows us personally to pave the way.
- Become a part of Team Possible. You can pray about becoming a financial member of our team. We need people who are willing to give on a monthly basis. No gift is too small. Or too big for that matter! :)
How can people contact you?
The best way to contact us at this time is via e-mail.
troyscott88@hotmail.com cherylscott7@hotmail.com
Thanks for visiting TEAM POSSIBLE's Site. We would love to hear from you!
Have a FABULOUS day - And God Bless!!
The Scotts
Your Missionary Builders to Thailand
Blessings from the Scott Family! We just returned from spending two wonderful weeks in Springfield, Missouri where we had interviews and training in order to become Fully Appointed Missionaries with Assemblies of God World Missions. Once we are approved, we will be able to itinerate full-time in order to raise the remainder of our funds. It is estimated that it takes missionaries anywhere from 18-24 months to raise enough support to leave for the mission field. Our goal is to have raised all of our funds by August 1, 2006 in order for our children to be able to start school in Thailand August 15. Will you pray with us for this goal to be reached? Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for investing in Missions and in us. Blessings, from the Scott’ s
Troy ,Cheryl , Nathaniel & Naomi
click here for full article on Longneck Women of Karen Tribe
The Beauty of the Karen Women
The Karen are a remote people. They live in social units that are protective of the tribe and Karen people as a whole. Today, a small number of Karen-Padaung tribes reside in Thailand. Among the many Karen traditions is that of beautifying the women of the tribe. This unique method of adornment goes back a long way, and the Karen-Padaung of Mae Hong Sorn and Phrae continue these traditions today.
In the Mae Hong Sorn and Bann Thaton area, the women of the Karen-Padaung villages wear brass rings around the neck, arms and legs. For this tribe, the rings are the most prominent sign of female beauty and status. The rings on the neck reach from the clavicle to beneath the chin, and the rings are always held very tightly by the bone structure. This neck ring adornment is started when the girls are 5 or 6 years old and as the neck grows longer, additional rings are added. It is from this practice that this tribe has gained the name of "Long Necks". One woman in Plam Piang Din Village wears 37 brass rings around her neck and this is considered ideal.
The Karen-Padaung in Phrae display their beauty and their status as married women by wearing carved elephant tusk in their ears. When a woman is married, her ears are pierced and an elephant tusk of one to four centimeters in length is inserted. During the early stages the ear pieces are quite small, especially for younger women. The weight of the tusks gradually weighs down on the ear lobe and the ear gets larger and larger, and longer and longer. Then larger tusks are inserted and the process repeats itself until the woman's ears become extremely elongated and floppy. The married woman wears these ear pieces for life. Please Pray for Christ’s love to be brought to the Karen people.