While ministering the last couple of years, we were stirred in our hearts to think about tribal people of Thailand and the human trafficking issues that have a deep rooted hold on these communities. During one weekend trip to a village, we had an exciting idea planted in our hearts. What if a village could have a way to make an income in order to reduce the number of people turning to human trafficking as a viable source of income?
A new vision was born. We could help a village determine what resources it has in order to develop a source of income. The villagers will then be encouraged to participate in the building of their community project and will be taught to reach out to neighboring communities to help them build a stable economy as well. We believe this will work toward the elimination of the welfare mentality that has come about in many communities, and will encourage reaching out to others, a wonderful Biblical principle. We also believe that a solid income source for a community along with education of the worth of children and women, will aid in the prevention of turning to the sex slave trade as a financial option. Once we have had the opportunity to build relationships, we will have quest meetings where the villagers will be able to ask us questions about who we are and why we are there. We then desire to start bible studies in the villages and eventually plant churches.
Troy was approached and asked to be the liaison to the tribal people in the northern region of Thailand when we return this term. There are many missionaries that are ministering throughout Thailand, but none from our organization are currently working with the northern tribal people.
The wheels are in motion, and with our return to Thailand in February 2012 we are now praying and asking God to open doors to make this vision a reality.