Welcome Natalie Grace to Team Possible!
Born 3/7/07 @ 8:34 pm. Weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs. 15 oz. 18.2 inches (She was 4 weeks early)
Please pray for Natalie's health as she lost almost 10% of her body weight in 3 days (down to 5 lb. 6 oz.) while in the hospital and had a touch of jaundice. She was having difficulty staying awake during feedings which caused her weight to go backwards instead of forwards. Since coming home, she has gained almost all of her weight back and doesn't have jaundice. She is still having difficulty staying awake during feedings, but is doing much better.
Cheryl is exhausted, as Natalie feeds every 2-3 hours and because Natalie falls asleep so often, it takes almost an hour to feed her each time she eats, so Cheryl is incredibly sleep deprived. Although tired - Cheryl still feels incredibly blessed and knows that adding this precious little one to our family was the right decision. We are truly blessed!!!!
Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes!
Lots of Love,
The Scott Family