Thursday, May 31, 2007

Here's Mud in Your Eye

Read John 9:1–23

Jesus spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes (John 9:6).

Bible commentators suggest different reasons Jesus used dirt and saliva in this blind man’s healing. Regardless of any intended symbolism, one fact remains—the process of healing involved some elements that would be less than desirable in and of themselves.

Jesus did not explain to the blind man how using dirt and spit would contribute to the miracle of his healing. He just applied the mud, told the man to wash his eyes, and healed him in response to his obedience.

Situations that God uses in your life may be like that mud. You have no idea why those elements are part of your life experience. You pray about them, but God offers no explanation. The test of your faith is, will you continue doing what you sense God wants you to do in spite of those circumstances?

Trust God. Your obedience can make all the difference as He continues to unfold His perfect plan for you. Look beyond your current circumstances, believing that God is always at work in your life.

Quicklook: John 9:1–7
Devotional by God's Word For Today.

Monday, May 14, 2007

click here for New Team Possible Website

We are so excited to annouce the NEW Team Possible Website. I will have all of our upcoming speaking engagements along with a photo album and more.

Click the "Title" above to check it out! Let us know what you think!


The Scott Family
Team Possible