Time. When I think of time, I always feel like I don't have enough of it. Work that seems to constantly keep me having quality time with my husband or kids. Constant cleaning or fixing something, the never ending laundry, cooking, dishes, paying bills, I could go on! On top of that, there is NEVER enough time for me!
On the other hand, I act as if I have a ton of time left and live my life as though I am going to live forever! I pass up time with my family to try to get one more project complete. I find myself telling my kids, "I'm busy right now - ask me later!" "Yes, I will play a game with you, or watch a movie, but it will have to be tomorrow - I have a deadline to finish this project."
Do you ever find yourself doing that? Felling like we never have enough time, but acting like we have an abundance?
About a week ago I heard that my Uncle is dying. I don't know all of the details of his health, but what I do know is very grim. He has been a smoker since his youth. For years he has been on oxygen - yet he still smokes. Now he sits all day long, legs folded indian style on his bed, hunched over, because it is the only way that he can breathe. The thought of him like this makes me so sad.
I don't know him real well, but I know that he has had a really rough life. I think back to the few times that I have been able to chat with him. He has always seen interested in hearing what I had to say. Yet, here I sit, knowing that his end is near and I never took the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with him. Was I worried that I was going to be looked at as a JESUS FREAK, or a Bible Thumper? Did I think that He wouldn't listen, or get mad at God because of his situation? I don't know what reasons I told myself. But one thing I know for sure - when I stand face to face in front of Jesus, I don't want him being disappointed in me for not taking the opportunity. I want to know that I did everything that I could to make sure I get to see him again someday! I want to know that he has the opportunity to find
Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before My Father in heaven. But whoever disowns Me before men, I will disown him before My Father in heaven."

We owe it to our friends and family to tell them the truth. They have a right to know!
You may not be called to be a preacher, but we are all called to do what Jesus commanded us.
Matt. 28:19 says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Cheryl's paraphrase - teach others about Jesus and that they too are to obey everying Jesus commanded - so, go and tell others to do the same. We ALL need to tell others about Jesus. It isn't someone elses responsiblity - it is ours!
Is there anyone that God is prompting you to call, like He prompted me to call my uncle.
Do it now. Don't waste another minute. There may not be another moment! We never know when we, our friends, or loved one will be OUT of TIME!
Please pray for my uncle - and your loved ones - for an opportunity to tell them about Jesus and that our words would not return void and that they will find hope, comfort and TRUE Peace in our Lord Jesus!
Blessings, Cheryl