Many of you have asked to see pictures of the house we are renting here in Thailand, so here are some pictures.
This view is next to the driveway looking into our front yard. This is a very small yard, but beautiful. The only thing we don't really like is that this is the PERFECT breeding ground for mosquitoes.
This next picture to the right is of our back yard. There isn't a lot of space here either. Not quite the space we are used to in the states is it?
In the Far left corner you can see our water storage tank - that every house in Thailand has. Beautiful isn't it? Yes, the thin little tree in front of it is supposed to hide it, which I think is rather humorous. It is a Papaya tree and it will not ever get much bigger around than it is! :) This area back here is where our washing machine is (it is just to the right of where I am taking the picture) and this area is also where we dry our clothes, so it is usually pretty crowed.
Does this fruit look good? Well it is and ALL of it came from trees in our yard.
In the far right back corner is bananas - they are VERY sweet, but I heard are great cooked over a grill (haven't tried yet). The yellow fruit in the left bowl is jackfruit. This is all from one piece of fruit - and is very good. The small orange bowl in the front has the seeds from the jackfruit - also edible when cooked. It is almost like potatoes. The brown bowl has starfruit and bell apple but tastes like a pear. In the front are limes (which they call lemons here) and birdseye chilies. Oh, and more bananas (a different variety). The only 3 things I can't show you are mangos which aren't in season right now, papayas - which are still growing, and avacados - which our tree doesn't seem to produce. Not sure why.
So there you have it - our house. I don't have any interior pictures right now, but maybe in the future can get some on here..
Team Possible