Thursday, January 06, 2011

Slave Trade

By Troy Scott

When we think of the slave trade we are ashamed at what we as a country did to innocent people who were captured, shipped and sold so that they could do hard labor that we did not want to do.  Today most Americans think Slavery is in our past and for those who were shipped to these shores over a hundred years ago it is.  However there is a new slave problem that we have a part in.  Military bases in countries like Thailand  helped create a market for a slave trade that is now bigger than that of America’s past.  Sadly human trafficking in part started or at the very least increased with the demand for prostitutes in areas where America had military bases.  To get an idea of how big this problem is worldwide;  only the multi-billion dollar drug trade is bigger when it comes to illegal activity. The trade in humans is not far behind and it is taking place in almost every city in the world. Children are sold for as little as $30 into the sex trade; both girls and boys.  Many are forced into using drugs, carrying drugs(Mules) and work in sweat shops or farms.
What can we do about this problem?  Creating laws and prosecuting those involved is very important.  Unfortunately many countries do not enforce our laws and corruption in many countries is rampant, so the biggest perpetrators get away.  This makes me think the best way to minimize the problem and save many from this horrific existence is to educate the potential victims and to help communities out of the poverty that fuels this type of trade.  This is not a quick fix that will eradicate the problem overnight but I would argue that change can and will happen, if we focus on the potential victims and what causes them to end up in the hands of the traffickers.  Saying this, I do not feel we should ignore those caught up in the trade already but that I have a heart to see no one else get caught up in this darkness.
This is just one of the many reasons we minister in Thailand.  We want to see all come to know Jesus and we want to see the hurting healed and the precious little ones safe in loving, healthy homes.