watch the monks come down for their daily ritual of receiving gifts from the Buddhist people.
This is just down the street from a Buddhist Temple.
Every morning the monks rise at dawn and leave in large groups to go down to meet individuals to get their daily offerings. At this particular location we stopped so that I could take some pictures. As we are sitting there, two large groups of monks pass each other without a word or a glance. Soon a car stopped. (This is on a very busy street. I had to try to get pictures between cars passing.) The couple in the car got out carrying a large basket of goods (not sure what was in the basket - but probably food. As the monks saw the couple they ALL stopped, in the exact order they were walking and waited to be given their offerings.
Notice the man is giving the gifts to the monks and the lady is giving the gifts to the man. The monks do not dare take an offering from a woman for fear they may touch her. If a monk touches a woman, then they must go through a 24 hour cleansing.
After all of the monks have receive their offerings, the lady and man bow down before the monks and say what ever it is that they say.
Please pray for these people as they ALL need Jesus. There is nothing they can give, other than their hearts to Jesus, that will bring them joy, happiness, or a future with the REAL King!
Pray that WE will make a difference here in Thailand.
Team Possible
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