A couple of months ago we got an e-mail message from a lovely couple, Gerry and Sandra Martin, in Minnesota, that had plans to come to SE Asia and wanted to know if they could come see what we are doing here in Thailand and if there is a specific project that they could give towards. We had the perfect project, Hope House Orphanage. So in Early November Gerry and Sandra came to visit us.
Gerry and Sandra wanted to be able to meet the kids at Hope House, but the kids were in school most of the day. We decided to take them on a tour of the Karen Village which wasn't far from Hope House. The jam packed day began with us picking up the Martins at their hotel and then drove 20 minutes to pick up the director of Hope House, Jeph. We drove another hour and 45 minutes into the hills and up Doi Inthinon, the tallest mountain in Thailand. The Karen village is almost at the top of the mountain, which made the winding drive long and slow.
Well, we couldn't go through the day without at least one incident. As we were driving up the dirt road to the village, we noticed that the road was muddy, much muddier than we anticipated. The rainy season was in full swing and the result was an extremely deep muddy road. As we were driving up the hill, the back wheels began to spin off to one side, veering the van off of the road. Three of us (two of us in flip flops)tried to push the van out, but to no avail. Jeph went for help and with 3 of them (all much stronger than I) and a little ingenuity, they were able to get the van back on the road.
Yes, it was distracting for the kids to have us there, so after a couple of minutes we picked Natalie up and took a tour of the rest of the village.
The house to the right is typical for this village. They live in the room above the stilts (the entire family). The families are usually small because they can't afford to feed many children. If they have animals, as this family does, it is usually able to run free, or is tied up underneath their house along with work supplies, laundry, wood for their stoves and what ever else they can't fit upstairs in the room.
Please pray for this community. There are other missionaries (Jeph and Apple) that have also made this village their ministry focus, but it has been a long hard journey to get the people to open up to Christianity and Jesus. We plan to help them as much as possible.
After showing the Martins this village we headed down the mountain and had lunch at a roadside cafe (at a gas station).
While the kids played with Natalie, we showed Gerry and Sandra the projects that their money would pay for.
There is no ceiling in the girls dorm, so there is nothing to keep heat and mosquitoes out in summer, and cold out in winter.
Gerry and Sandra's money will go towards the ceiling in this room! If there are any extra funds available, we will get the girls a ceiling fan too! :D
We would also like to replace the septic system. During times of high usage, the two tanks leak and make the ground muddy and smelly. NOT a healthy situation all around! That will be the second project that the money will go towards (if there is enough).
We picked up Nathaniel and Naomi on our way to drop off Jeph and headed to dinner where we were able to enjoy authentic Northern Thai cuisine. It was wonderful.
We had a very full and extremely blessed day. We are honored to be serving a mighty God with people like the Martins who are willing to give so generously of their time and finances!
Please pray for the Hope House Orphanage. There are many needs there and not many funds coming into this region to pay for them. Also please pray for funds for our ministry to continue so that we do our part by bringing teams to help with these projects and in whatever way God leads!
Team Possible.
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