Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Taste of Thailand - TONIGHT

Just a reminder that the Taste of Thailand event is tonight at 5:00pm at Maranatha Church.   Please lift this event up in prayer – AND come if you can!

Take the opportunity to get A Taste of Thailand by trying delicious food (we have hot dogs available as well) watching live music and Authentic Thai dancers, taking a walk down the night bazaar where you can buy hand made local and international products and get a quick manicure or foot massage.

There is also a closed bid auction that features a 3 day/2 night stay at the Lodge on the Yellow River for up to 9 people, valued at over $600.
Every $10/mo commitment given, you will receive an entry into a separate drawing for a 3 day/2 night stay at the Lodge on the Yellow River, also a $600+ value.  ( $50./mo = 5 entries)
Thank you Lodge owner Larry Beyer for your generous donation.  The Lodge on Yellow River 

Please come and bring all your family, friends and neighbors. It is going to be a fantastic night you will LOVE!
Maranatha Church is located on Forest Blvd (Hwy 61) just a mile north of Forest Lake.  (From I-35 heading N – take Hwy 8 exit and go N.  Take first exit ( immediate left, 1st right, left at stoplight). on 61.  Coming from the north Take Wyoming Exit (go E – left to Hwy 61 (Forest Blvd) and turn S – right)
If you have questions or need further direction, please call Troy 651-230-8002.
It is a night you won't forget!!!  See you there!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Newsletter & Pray Requests

Friends of Team Possible -
We are so blessed to have such a great group of people that support and encourage our family in our Ministry! What a wonderful team we all make together! Thank you for all you do to make our ministry possible!  These last couple of weeks God has blessed us incredibly with so many people willing to help and serve at our fundraiser.  Many generous individuals have stepped up and gifted us with some amazing items for our Closed Bid Auction as well and we are so thankful.  God is amazing.
Prayer Requests:  With our benefit coming up on June 25, we wanted to ask that you take a moment to lift a few things up in prayer. 

1. Volunteers.   We need a few more volunteers  - the more we have, the smoother everything will go.
2. Advertising... We need to keep getting the word out there.  We think this is going to be the talk of the town - and nobody will want to miss it!
3. Auction – That people would have the ability to be generous on their bids– the more money we raise – the quicker we can get back to Thailand!
4. Pledges – We only need $2000/mo.  If we get all of our pledges in by the end of the month – we will be able to purchase our Tickets back to Thailand!  Smile
Exciting News:     Anyone who commits to give a minimum of $10 a month will be entered into a drawing for a 3 day/2 night stay at the Lodge on the Yellow River in Danbury, WI for up to 9 people, valued at $600.00.  (See photo below.  Click the picture or link to view Lodge details)  For every additional $10/mo, you are given an additional entry.  $50.00/month = 5 entries. (Travel to and from Lodge and personal expenses are not included.)  Thank you to Lodge owner Larry Beyer for this wonderful gift and incentive to give, we are so blessed.  You must notify us by e-mail and have your first check or Debit/Credit Card Withdrawal form received by AGWM on July 15 in order for your pledge to qualify for the drawing.  Already a financial partner? –You can still qualify for the drawing.  Just send us a note telling us that you are wanting to continue to give along with the amount you are committing to give and you will automatically be entered!  E-mails must be received by July 15 in order to qualify. 
If you would like to be a part of our team by giving monthly, or a one time cash donation please go to one of easy to follow links below:
Thank you again for all you do and are willing to do in order for Team Possible to be able to continue our ministry to Thailand.

Together We CAN!

Love from the Scotts,
Troy, Cheryl , Nathaniel, Naomi and Natalie!
Larry's Lodge

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Team Possible Prayer & Praise Update

Greetings from the Scott Family! 


First, we want to thank you so much for your continued support for our families journey back to Thailand.  We couldn't possibly be where we are without you all.  Your prayers and encouragement mean the world to us and we are honored to have you as a part of our team! 


Praise Reports:

  • We have so enjoyed being back in the States this last year.  We have travelled to 4 states, spoke in over 70 churches,  met and visited with over 90 pastors.  This last month alone, we had 13 new churches commit to giving to us – Praise God.  We have been so blessed to have opportunities to share how God used us in Thailand along with the vision for the future, to meet wonderful new people, and reconnect with friends and family that we hadn't seen or hugged in over 3 years! 
  • All of our travels have been wonderful and safe.  Thank you so much for those of you who have been praying for those areas – God has been so faithful!
  • The kids just completed their 11th grade (Nathaniel) and 7th Grade (Naomi) years in school with both of them doing extremely well academically and made some wonderful new friends – thank your for your prayers for that area as well!
  • 5 churches are excited about sending teams to work with our ministry – and funding any project they work on.  God is so faithful – we can't wait to get back and get started!


Prayer Requests:

  • Our pledge drive begins next week.  We only need $2000/month and $31,000 cash to come in by the End of July so we have time to purchase our Airline tickets to return by the end of August.  Please pray that God will touch individuals hearts and compel them to give.  With Him – anything is possible – even in this economy! 
  • Please pray for CHEAP airline tickets!!!
  • ATaste of Thailand Benefit next Saturday. There are several areas of prayer:
      • Volunteers – LOTS – Musicians, bakers, kitchen help, set up, clean up, workers for the event.  The more volunteers we have the easier it is on everyone!
      • Donations of large items for the closed bid auction.
      • Advertisers – lots of people to spread the word about the event  - many churches and individuals from the community are being invited. 
      • LOTS of attendees – we are praying for over 500 people to come.  We currently have people who are driving over 2 hours to attend this event – lets pray them in together!
  This is going to be an AMAZING event – and if we have enough volunteers AND attendees – this could very well be what gets us back to Thailand by this August.  Will you join us in prayer for these things?
Again, thank you so much for your commitment to Team Possible.  We wouldn't be here without your continued prayer and financial support.  May God overwhelm you with his blessings as you continue to serve with us! 


Serving Him together,

Team Possible

Troy and Cheryl Scott

Friday, June 03, 2011

Prayer for Team Possible and A Taste of Thailand Benefit

Friends of Team Possible - we are so blessed to have such a great group of people that support and encourage our family in this Ministry - we are incredibly grateful! What a wonderful team we all make together! Thank you for all you do to make our ministry possible!
A quick praise report.  Troy had a fantastic couple of Trips down to Alabama and Florida last month. In the process, 10 churches picked us up for support as well as the possibility for 5 more.  Plus, 3 churches from Minnesota.  We haven't heard the amounts yet, so are excitedly anticipating what that means for our return date in August.  God is so good and we give Him all the credit – He is amazing!
I am sending this e-mail to all of our supporters as we have a HUGE benefit coming up on June 25 at Maranatha in Wyoming, MN.  There are many of you who don't live near us, but I wanted to give you an opportunity to be a part of it, even if it is only through your prayers for our needs. 

The benefit is coming up quickly and there are a few things that you could do that would REALLY help this benefit be a Huge SUCCESS. Please let us know if you are able to help with any of the following areas.
1. Volunteer at the event - set up, decorate, cook, help with kids, clean up.... The more volunteers we get, the quicker and easier everything will go – we will even accept help from the youth!
2. Advertising... We need to get the word out there. Would you be willing to spread the word by posting our event on your face book page, and sending out an e-mail to all your local friends and family... AND talking it up amongst your friends - even if you aren't able to be there yourself. Also, would you be willing to invite people to the Event from the FaceBook Event page (A Taste of Thailand Benefit - there are 2 event pages, but you only need to invite your friends on one of them!) We think this is going to be the talk of the town - and nobody will want to miss it!
3. Donations, If you have something FANTASTIC to donate, or you know someone who does, or have the money to buy a wonderful prize (ie: a dinner for 2 at a nice restaurant, or a weekend getaway package at a nice resort, a car ;} ;) ) that would be WONDERFUL! We are having a Closed Bid Auction as well as a Grand Prize Give Away and are looking for some great prizes to include.

If you can help in any or ALL of those areas we would greatly appreciate it. The countdown has begun for our return and think this event could be just what we need to get us back there by August! :) Yahoo! We are excited to hear from you and how you may be able to help!
A couple of other quick areas of prayers are:
  1. Safety in our travels as we continue to speak in churches around the country through the end of summer.
  2. Finances: we still need about 20% of our monthly commitments to be signed and come in for us to leave by August. 
  3. Cash fund,  we still need about $35,000 for our cash funds –( airfare, visas (temporary & work), 3 months living expenses in Thailand,  etc.)  to come in  as well. 
If you would like to be a part of our team by giving monthly, or a one time cash donation please go to one of easy to follow links below:
Thank you again for all you do and are willing to do in order for Team Possible to be able to continue our ministry to Thailand. Together We CAN!
Love from the Scotts
Troy, Cheryl , Nathaniel, Naomi and Natalie!