Our Story

Troy grew up as a Missionary kid in Bangladesh.  His parents built and were the administrators of 2 hospitals during their time in Bangladesh.  Growing up in B'desh Troy knew that he was called to missions at a young age, but didn't know where.
Cheryl gave her heart to the Lord as a Senior in High School.  After she graduated she felt God call her to YWAM (Youth with a Mission) a wonderful missionary organization that focuses on teaching and training youth for missions.  She immediately sold her car and attended a (DTS) school in L.A., CA.  After attending the DTS (Discipleship Training School), Cheryl was asked to come back and be on Staff where she remained for 2 years.  It was at this time that she met Troy. 
During their time in Youth with a Mission, CA, they both had opportunities to participate in or help lead Short-term Trips to share the love of Christ with others through street witnessing, dramas and music in places like Mexico, France and Korea.  In all, they were able to go on 6 different Short-term Mission Outreaches.
A year and a half later, Troy and Cheryl were married, knowing that they both felt called to missions.  For the next several years they didn't know where God wanted them to go, so they got involved in church and Troy began working in construction.  Troy had a history of working with bricklaying, but worked in the only field that had an opening - Drywall.  Through the years, Troy became a quality craftsman and grew in his knowledge in drywall and many other areas of construction.  Finally, with his knowledge and abilities, Troy opened his own company as a Commercial and Residential Drywall contractor and later started a construction company with his father and brother, with Troy as the General Contractor.  

During this time, still feeling called to missions, we looked for opportunities to lead or be a part of Short-Term Mission Trips.  Finally, in January of 2004 we had the opportunity to co-lead a short-term trip to Thailand.  On this trip, both of us individually felt called to full-time ministry in Thailand.  After feeling called and talking and praying with the children, we began to seek out what we would be doing, and how were were going to get there. 
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