Sunday, November 07, 2010

November Team Possible Update

Seasons Greetings from Team Possible!

As we continue celebrating our Thankfulness to God and begin the Holiday season which celebrates our Saviors birth, we think it only fitting to take a moment to Thank all of you who so diligently continue to pray and give financially to our family. As we look at the journey that we have had over the past 5 years, we know that it wouldn‘t be possible for us to be where we are with out you. You are what makes all of us a team – and we know the sacrifices that you make in order for us to be the faces of Team Possible - for that, we are truly thankful. Our prayer for you is that God pour out amazing blessings on you as you continue to serve Him through your financial and prayer support!

Praise Report:
Home and Vehicles :
We were so thankful to arrive back in the states safe and sound and be greeted with the news that a couple had lovingly opened up their home to allow our family of 5 to live with them until we found something more permanent. What an amazingly generous family! After 2 months of searching, our family moved into a home in Forest Lake, MN, only a few minutes from our home church and many dear friends. At the same time, we were given back our old van as well as the loan of a second vehicle, which is wonderful considering Troy will spend most of his days on the road, potentially leaving Cheryl and the kids without a vehicle. What a wonderful provision from our Heavenly Father.

Unexpected Blessings:
Earlier this year, Cheryl was approached to teach English to a Thai friend’s cousin. We heard that this young lady would be leaving for the US to attend University for a year and needed to work on her English. Cheryl agreed and taught her for the last few months that we were in Thailand. Just before leaving, we just found that she (Kluay) would be attending University in Eau Claire, Wisconsin a couple hours from our hometown. In August, Kluay arrived and our family was able to pick her up from the Airport and care for her for a few days before we dropped her off with her Host family in Wisconsin. This last weekend, Kluay came to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with our family. We had a large family gathering, decorated gingerbread (graham cracker) houses, watched a Christmas parade, and decorated our Christmas Tree. She had a great time and coming back for Christmas. Kluay is Buddhist, so we are praying for opportunities to share the love of Christ with her and that she will come to know Him. It has been a blessings to know that God is still using us to make an impact on Thailand, even though we aren’t physically there!

Many people have asked us about the ministries that we started in Thailand, and what is happening with them while we are away. Our goal in ministry has always been to try to establish a strong well working ministry and then find someone with a passion for that ministry to take over. The reason that we do this, is because we never want a ministry to be completely dependant on us. With the climate of many countries being so volatile - especially surrounding Thailand, we decided that we would always try to pass on our ministry to a national within a year of starting the ministry. This way, a ministry would never have to come to a halt because we were forced to leave the country for any reason. The only exception, is our ministry to facilitate short term teams. Teams that we lead come to work on projects that we promote and will be personally working on, so we don’t feel the need to pass on the responsibilities to someone else. As for the other ministries that we started - The children’s ministry and the Coffee Shop, both are being run by Christian Thai Nationals. May times, people have a passion to help, but they just don’t know what to do. What we do is find a need, create a ministry, pass on the vision, and find a quality leader to take over. God has been faithful to find strong, faithful and committed leaders, and I believe He will continue to do so! God is Good!

Future in Thailand:
Our family is so excited about the future that God has presented to us. Before leaving Thailand, our family was asked to consider being the liaisons to the tribal people for the Thailand Assemblies of God. That excited us incredibly, as we were already feeling the pull to work more with the unreached people groups in Northern Thailand. We had already began to talk with pastors about the possibilities of focusing on the needs of the tribal people in the villages as a way to open their hearts to the Gospel. Many organizations are forcing people to convert to their “religion” in trade for help. We believe that when we share the “Love” of Christ by meeting their physical needs (ie: clean water, avenues of income for their community etc) they want to hear more about the one who sent us! We don’t need to twist their arms - they will WANT to know Him!

Prayer Requests:

One of the biggest needs we have right now is for speaking engagements and appointments with Pastors. It is required that we speak in 8 churches a month – and this time of year it is VERY difficult for churches to squeeze missionaries into their already full services. Please pray for God’s guidance, direction and divine appointments as we seek to share what God has done in and through us these last few years, as well as our vision and calling for the future.

We are so thankful for all of you who so diligently pray for our needs. Our biggest need right now is financial. It has been very difficult to schedule with churches to speak, but when we have, many have not taken an offerings for us, or the offerings have been very small. Our personal, business and travel expenses are running over $4000 a month, but we are only getting a little over half of that each month - simply -we are going into debt. Please pray that Churches and individuals will be willing to give in order for us to operate in the black.

As always we feel so grateful for your prayers, and we desire to lift up your needs as well if you would like. Please let us know if there are any needs and prayer requests that you have, so that we too can lift you up to our Heavenly Father! J

Thank you to all of you who have welcomed us in your homes and churches - we would never be out here without your incredible generosity. May God bless you for all you do and all the ways you serve Him.

Building God's Kingdom together,
"Team Possible"
The Scott Family

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